Organizational Leadership Development Program

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Designed  and  developed  by  a  core  team  of  former  Marine  Officers  with  extensive leadership  experience  in  a  wide  variety  of  environments  and  circumstances,  this development  program  focuses  on  cultivating  a  sustainable  and  enduring  leadership culture throughout your organization.

Course Synopsis

Our Approach

Providing leadership training for your people can be a significant investment in time and money. To gain the most from that investment, executive leaders must provide leadership development that is focused on the good of the organization, and then advocate for those leadership concepts by engaging in planned follow up activities that bolster what their people are learning. The Organizational Leadership Development Program removes the typically wasteful “check in the box” approach to leadership training and replaces it with a leadership development program that can modify the very culture of your organization.

Critical to development of the concepts in this program is our network of corporate executives and leaders, captains of industry, government program managers, Olympic coaches, military leaders and business consultants that our team reaches out to for insights and feedback. Woven throughout the fabric of this program is Shackleton Group’s years of organizational development experience, combined with and validated by the aspects of leadership that those experts believed are essential to the success of any organization.

Cultivating a culture of organizational leadership is a commitment that requires more than just training, it’s one that requires a sustainable and ongoing plan. The Organizational Leadership Development Program is a plan that provides leaders a framework for ensuring that organizational leadership becomes a part of their culture.

The OLDP includes four elements: