Leadership Advocacy Workshop

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$ 1.00

A workshop for executive leaders in the organization.  It briefly addresses the concepts covered in the OLC to familiarize executives with what their team members are experiencing (or will experience) in the course.

Course Synopsis

A workshop for executive leaders in the organization.  It briefly addresses the concepts covered in the OLC to familiarize executives with what their team members are experiencing (or will experience) in the course.  An interactive discussion follows with executive leaders focused on how to best advocate for those tenets taught in the OLC in order to help cultivate a leadership culture within their organization.  The workshop offers insights into effective advocacy methods for following up with team members who have taken the OLC.  Executive leaders should attend this workshop prior to their people taking the OLC so they are immediately prepared to respond with advocacy when team members complete the course. The workshop material product contains 1 module associated lessons formatted and designed for instructors to replicate the workshop material specifically to the guidelines, context and content intended for each lesson and each associated slide. Additionally the product contains extensive tools, templates and exercise/activity guidelines to ensure the desired workshop outcomes are achieved.